
This scholarship is to be used for State Shoot registration costs for active 4-H members. Five scholarships will be awarded each 4-H year, up to $20 per scholarship as long as the funds are available. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

This scholarship is to be used for clinics, training, or camps related to the applicant’s market or breeding beef project(s). Two scholarships will be awarded each 4-H year, up to $50 per scholarship as long as the funds are available. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Market Sale Scholarships

Converse County 4-H’s proceeds from the Converse County Fair Market Sale will be used to provide educational and purchasing scholarships for market livestock project members who have sold a 4-H market animal at the Market Sale. Any active member who has sold an animal tagged under the Converse County 4-H program is eligible to apply.

This scholarship is to be used for market livestock clinics, training, or camps related to the applicant’s livestock project(s). Twenty scholarships will be awarded, up to $50 per scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Members may only receive one educational scholarship per 4-H year.

This scholarship is to be used for assistance purchasing market livestock. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Members may only receive one purchasing scholarship per 4-H year.

Beef: Two scholarships, $1,000 each – 2 available

Sheep: Five scholarships, $200 each – 5 available

Goat: Five scholarships, $200 each – 5 available

Swine: Five scholarships, $200 each – 2 available