2025 Presenter

Brian Bell

Physician Anesthesia

Parkview Medical Center

We asked each one of our presenters a series of questions

Below are Dr. Bell’s answers:

Q. What is the highlight of your career?


Just being important in people’s lives and giving them the bast possible care both physically and emotionally supportive. Knowing that I matter.

Q. What are challenges you encounter in your career?


The constant changes in the business side of health care have been the most difficult. When I started working for a living I thought it would be simple – work at the Hospital for 30 years and then retire. It has been 32 years and I have ended up working in many situations, Hospital job that started strong ended after 8 years, need to adapt constantly.

Personally, being a women in agriculture still has it’s roadblocks or detours.  I have some older male customers that do not want to work with a woman, but their sons do not have that same issue.  It is a fading problem, thankfully, but still one I have run across.

Q. How did you get to this career?


In college my Grandpa died of Cancer and I spent a lot of time at the Hospital and thought “I could be a Doctor’.  Original intent was just to be a Doctor and then once in Medical needed to make choice of specialty and decided to go into the one that scared me the most.

Q. What is something unique about your career most people might not know or understand about what you do?


You literally have someone’s life in your hands, similar to a pilot of a jet but in that case you do your best so you too don’t die. In my case you do your best-also hopefully so you don’t get sued either.

Q. What type of education or degrees are required to pursue this career?


4 years of College ( I did 2 year Community College then transferred for BS degree), 4 years of Medical School then 1 year of internship and then 3 years of Residency (Specialty) training. So 12 years after High School. Last 4 yearrs you make a little bit of money.