Good to Grow
Barb Phone: (307) 679-1447
Leanne Phone: (307) 679-1278
(Please text or call)
Watch the Video
Q. What is the highlight of your career?
A. The people we get to work with.
Q. What are challenges you encounter in your career?
A. The weather
Q. How did you get to this career?
A. We wanted to do something from home. We started by working at a nursery and then for a landscaping company and decided to start our own business so we can do it from our property.
Q. What is something unique about your career most people might not know or understand about what you do?
A. Being a small business owner and growing produce is not as easy as it looks. Also, that we are able to use Bees to help pollinate the farm which we need but we can get added income from the products we get from them.
Q. Are there scholarship or internship opportunities available with your career? If so, where can more information about those be found?
A. There are a lot of intern options – many may not be paid but most companies are willing to providing learning opportunities for kids. People can come do an unpaid internship with us at Good to Grow
Issued in furtherance of extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mandy Marney, Director, University of Wyoming Extension, College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming Extension, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071.
The University of Wyoming is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
© 2025 Wyoming 4-H. All rights reserved.
Amber Armajo
University of Wyoming Extension 4-H/Youth Educator – Washakie County
Phone: (307) 347-3431
Email: amwall@uwyo.edu
PO Box 609
1200 Culbertson Ave, Suite G
Worland, WY 82401
Amber Armajo
University of Wyoming Extension 4-H/Youth Educator – Washakie County
Phone: (307) 347-3431
Email: amwall@uwyo.edu
PO Box 609
1200 Culbertson Ave, Suite G
Worland, WY 82401
© 2023 Wyoming 4-H