Section 3 ● Leadership

Leaders do not lead; they are followed.Dr. Jack Hyles in The Science of the Christian Life, Vol. 1


Juniors (Ages 8-10) Intermediates (Ages 11-13) Seniors (Ages 14+)
Minimum # of leadership activities in current report year Two (2) Four (4) Six (6)
Recommended # of leadership hours in current report year > Two (2) > Five (5) > Ten (10)


This is one of the cumulative sections of the record book. At the start of each 4-H year, just append the new year's records to your previous year's records, giving a complete picture of your entire 4-H career.
Leadership is defined as a position of responsibility with a purpose to guide or direct others. Leadership capacity can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Positions in employment, church, community and school organizations including coaching, tutoring and mentoring will [qualify as leadership]. From University of Utah School of Medicine

This is the clearest definition of leadership I have ever found. It hits on two essential points of leadership: that you must take the initiative in a leadership role, and that not all leadership roles involve holding office. "Taking the initiative" means that a required activity (e.g. 4-H carnival) does not count as leadership (it is probably still participation, though).

For this section, it is imperative to be very specific. For each entry, include exactly what position you were in, and if appropriate what your duties were. If you list committees or other groups, make sure you specify whether you were a member or chair. You must show how you showed leadership, and not just some larger group of people.